Proper planning, guidance, and support ensure that projects stay on course. Maximization of efficiency and advances in quality occur only when a service provider is fully aware, and is in control, of its business processes. At United Power Technologies we have combined these principles into the Assess-Deliver-Support Model (ADS) which is at the core of our service methodology. Through experience in working with our clients, we have produced a solid approach to managing, developing, and delivering services that exceed clients' expectations.
Discovering the issues faced by our clients is the first step in our involvement process. Our dedicated team of consultants will evaluate the client's current situation and analyze potential needs. We will then provide a comprehensive plan that will bridge the gap between client's current capabilities and future requirements.
The driving factor in a successful consultant-client relationship is both parties' emphasis on results that achieve all of the identified requirements. By truly understanding the client's business and the problem at hand, United Power Technologies is able to deliver the needed services and solutions that meet or exceed client's expectations and fit within the predetermined budget.
We do not believe that an engagement ends after the payment of the final invoice. United Power Technologies stands behind its services and continues to support its clients beyond the successful completion of a project. When unexpected technical issues or questions arise, our consultants will be ready, once again, to provide their industry knowledge and expertise to our clients.
To learn more about how ADS plays a role in our projects, select from one of the following: